One of the first things I wanted to know about my waste is why I don't have a food waste bin available in my flat. All the previous places I have lived in London we always had either a compost or a food waste bin that was collected by the council.
When I looked it up in my councils homepage I discovered that there is indeed an offer how to deal with a food waste in flats- a wormery. I have had read about them before as it is one of the best ways how to process food waste, worms would eat up your waste and produce vermicompost which is an incredibly nutrient rich composting material. So, yeah, I decided to try it!

My council offers three different size wormeries- all for 5£ (normally they cost around 60£). I decided to go for the smallest one. Here is how to get the wormery based on my experience.
1. Call the number in councils homepage for ordering wormeries.
2. Speak to a person that most likely doesn't know what wormery is and keeps saying that flats can't have compost bin, but is very nice and gives you request number and says that they will be in touch.
3. Wait for a week.
4. Call again to the same number and talk to someone who definitelly knows what wormery is and gives an email address for the wormery responsible person.
5. Email the wormery person.
6. Become inpatient and go to the recycling facility the next day by yourself (maybe you could just buy the wormery there?).
7. Speak to lovely staff and they give you name and a phone number of another wormery person (not the same as the one you had emailed to).
8. Call this person.
9. Speak to the wormery person who tell you that they are the right person but can't do it right now, but will call you back in a bit.
10. Next day answer the call of the wormery person and order the wormery by phone!
11. Go to the recycling facility and pick up the wormery (there is a delivery option, but I was impatient).
12. Order worms with the free voucher code inside.
13. Realise that the code does not work and call to the customer service (the company who actually makes the wormeries).
14. Explain the situation to the person and get a new voucher code and order worms.
15. A day before worms should arrive try to assemble the wormery and realise that one crucial part of it is missing.
16. Panick! - worms are sent in small packaging and can't be there for too long and should be put in a proper container as soon as they arrive.
17. Call to the customer service again and get reassured that it will be ok and they wont die instantly and the person is 'on it' (literally the words my saviour used).
18. Receive email saying that the missing parts have been sent free of charge by express delivery to arrive tomorrow.
19. Receive missing parts and worms at the same day and send gratefulness and love to the Original organics customer service person.